|     Announcement: Regular academics of SYB Pharm, TYB Pharm, Final year B Pharm, FYM Pharm & SYM Pharm will start from 01/01/2025

Hon. Shri. Babanrao Pachpute Vichardhara Trust Group of Institutions, Faculty of Pharmacy, Kashti

Approved By PCI & Affiliated To Savitribai Phule Pune University.

Accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) with "B++" Grade

Our Vision

To serve with high quality education for development of students as competent pharmacy professionals for the upliftment of socio-economic status in rural areas.

Our Mission

To improve quality of pharmacy education through qualified mentors and providing state of the art facilities for both theory and practical. To furnish students with proficiency, team spirits that meets the pre-requisites of talent acquisition in pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors. To groom students as professional pharmacist entrepreneurs for socio-economic upliftment.

  Programme Educational Objectives (PEO's)

  • PEO-1   To provide knowledge associated with pharmacy profession
  • PEO-2   To inculcate professional and ethical attitude with lifelong learning habits in students to develop competent pharmacy professionals.
  • PEO-3   To develop entrepreneurship skills and leadership traits in students to facilitate improvement in health and wellbeing of society.